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Manuka Honey

14 Jan 2022 By Admin .


Manuka honey is known in the world for its special properties. Manuka honey kills bacterial strains that are resistant to other antibiotics. Manuka honey is produced in many parts of the world but New Zealand produces nice and it compared to other parts this is due to climatic conditions and soil types of New Zealand. Manuka flower grows at a place Manuka honey is produced from flowers of Manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium) found in coastal areas of New Zealand, Australia and some parts of Europe. Manuka has many medicinal properties like antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antifungal. Manuka nectar gives this unique antibacterial.

Why Manuka Honey is so Expensive

The main reason Manuka honey is expensive is because Manuka tree only grows in New Zealand and Australia and due to high demand there is less Manuka honey production in Manuka tree regions. Manuka honey is highly IN DEMAND nowadays IN THE WORLD So, the demand of Manuka Honey is higher than its supply. This has caused Manuka Honey to be so expensive. Also Manuka Honey is purchased by many international buyers and sold to different countries.

What is the science says about Manuka Honey

Honey has been used for thousands of years for wound care. Current research suggests that Manuka honey may be beneficial for folks with open wounds,,pressure sores, or acne. Manuka honey can be applied to cuts, wounds, ulcers and burns to help speed the healing process. Manuka honey has been tested on a number of wound types and Manuka honey shows potential for benefits in many conditions. Evidence behind Manuka Honey being beneficial has been proven by International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds Manuka honey is a natural product with a number of properties that make it suitable as an ingredient in a dressing for wounds and ulcers. Manuka Honey has been studied by researchers from across the world, including studies from New Zealand, USA, UK, Australia and Hong Kong.

The Manuka honey has antibacterial activity against organisms that are commonly involved in wound infections. Manuka honey works by damaging the bacteria, making Manuka Honey a suitable treatment option for microbial biofilms.

How Manuka Honey Boosts Your Immune System

There are a number of theories on why Manuka Honey may be beneficial to the immune system, and research is still in its infancy. IT stimulates the immune system (in vitro). It has been shown to induce cytokine release. Manuka Honey's ability to stimulate the immune system may be due in part to Manuka Honey's antioxidant activity. Manuka honeys high phenolic content is responsible for some of Mcontains bioactive compounds called phytochemicals Manuka Honey's phytochemicals can modulate the immune system it  has been shown to stimulate macrophages Manuka Honey has been shown to stimulate killer cells Manuka honey induces interferon-gamma Manuka honey induces tumor necrosis factor.

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Manuka honey is known for its unique properties. Manuka has the ability to fight against bacteria that are resistant to other antibiotics because of methylglyoxal (MGO) which Manuka honey contains. Manuka contains anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory analgesic and antifungal properties due to high Methylglyoxal content. Manuka honey is produced in many countries but Manuka honey of New Zealand is much expensive compared to other Manuka honeys. This is because the Manuka flower grows only in coastal areas of New Zealand, Australia and some parts of Europe. Manuka tree has glossy evergreen leaves with clusters of white flowers at the end of branches; giving Manuka bush an attractive appearance. Manuka flowers produce nectar which is the base for Manuka honey production. Manuka Honey is viscous and has a pleasant aroma, tasting strongly of caramel with herbal overtones.

About Admin .


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